Weeping Pussy Willow
Salix discolor 'Pendula'
(SAL-iks) (DIS-kol-or)
When I was buying my fertilizer I had a trip around the nursery and got this picture of a Weeping Pussy Willow. It is not my favorite weeping tree and I probably wouldn’t recommend it if you had space for just one weeping tree. They look great this time of year but seem to get a little ratty or tattered looking by the end of the season. One cultural aspect the Pussy Willows have going for them is the ability to grow on very moist and even wet soils. They are also good for forcing the branches.
I have to work again today. Sunday is nice since I am by myself and can get some small things done. I am going to be working on the roses today.
I have been getting a lot of comments lately, thanks everyone. I haven’t been great at responding to them but have enjoyed what everyone has had to say. A couple of comments made me chuckle in the last few days. This one by Garden Joy 4 for Me
“Such pretty pictures again .. do you ever take bad pictures ? LOL”
All I can say is yes I take a lot of bad pictures. They just never get posted here. Bad composition and incorrect exposure are just two of the problems I sometimes have. My percentage of keepers has steadily increased through paying attention to the subject and camera settings but I screw up all the time. I think I will have blooper day here in the future.
jane marie at Thyme For Herbs posted this one:
“I grow plants without knowing a thing about them also. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. I play it safe throughout most of my life and I feel the garden is one place where I can be free. It's fun to throw caution to the wind and just plant.”
In my mind this maybe the ultimate gardening philosophy and it closely follows my own. Simply brilliant.
Finally Vanillalotus gave me an Excellence award. To which I say thank you very much. I always enjoy her visits and comments. They are very uplifting. Please visit her at the aptly named New Sprout . It is a nice blog that continues to improve every time I visit.
Vanilla is just going into the horticulture trade and her enthusiasm is very refreshing. I have always had a passion for things botanical and what I do for a living but sometimes I take it for granted. People like Vanilla make me stop and remember how lucky I am and for that I must give you great thanks. I will be watching your career from New Sprout, you are sure to be famous. To you, my dear, I say continue to:
“Be both the gardener and the rose”

Pussy Williows are very interesting looking. I never would have thought them to also have a weeping variety. Joys comment is funny because I have thought the same thing. It would be interesting to see you bloopers because we probably won't think them to be that bad.
Thank you for all the kind words! It all means so much to me. I'm really kind of speechless right now.
Heh, I second the perfect photos! You are inspiring, that's for sure.
Everyone starts from somewhere!
I have never seen a Pussy willow.
Great picture.
Well I am glad I posted the Pussy Willow. These really bring back childhood memories for me.
VL, I meant all that I said, thanks again.
misti, thank you also. I find you and your husbands photos inspiring.
nancy, I agree though I just don't see as many around here these days.
indrani, thanks for visiting from a great distance. Are you in a tropical area? I think Pussy Willows need a cold winter.
Well I am glad I posted the Pussy Willow. These really bring back childhood memories for me. I meant all that I said, thanks to all. I find you all inspiring. I agree though I just don't see as many around here these days. I think Pussy willow tree
need a cold winter..
Bangalore is in tropical region and that is why I am attracted to flowers and plants of your cold region.
Thanks. :)
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