Phlox paniculata ‘Barthirtyfive’
Ruby Tuesday again! This is a totally new family of Garden Phlox that is supposed to put all previous varieties to shame. The Volcano type is shorter (24 inches), more colorful (available in 6 colors now with more on the way) and above all it is more resistant to Powdery Mildew. I took these pictures at the wholesale nursery I frequent in Greenwich, Connecticut. I must admit the 100 or so plants that they had were eye catching, actually eye dazzling. If they have truly bred a disease resistant Phlox then my hat goes off to them.

“These new varieties actually owe their existence to the end of the Cold War. Shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, members of the Dutch hybridizing firm Bartels Stek trekked the newly-opened countries of Eastern Europe looking for exceptional plant material. Their most exciting find was a group of old varieties of Eastern European phlox that were unknown in the West. While the old varieties weren’t fragrant or very floriferous, they were very disease-tolerant. Cross-breeding resulted in the exciting new Volcano® series of fragrant, abundantly-flowering, compact phlox with high natural disease-tolerance.”
From Volcano Phlox/tesselar.com
Here is the new pup. She is unbelievably cute and cuddly. She is on the right in this picture. That is her brother, on the left, who we transported to CT for a couple from Massachusetts. It was sad when they picked him up on Sunday. We have decided to call her Juno . Her middle name is Grace.

The flowers is lovely...I think I've seen that dog before! *wink* Lots of them here in Alaska!
What brilliant flowers! Wow do they make a bold statement! And your pup is simply adorable! Definitely laughing!
Those pups are gorgeous! Wow! They look so friendly and cuddly! heh!
I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for this phlox. I have some very tall varieties (not sure which ones as a friend gave them to me from her garden), which I love because they bloom for a long period and look spectacular. So far, no pwdery mildew, but air circulates freely around them. Powdery mildew is so ugly!
that is a true ruby color and so vibrant I really like it
Digital F, Yes, the Ruby phlox are eye-catching! And your new little puppy is eye-catching too! Big beautiful blue eyes! Happy Ruby Tuesday!
I always enjoy my visits to your digital garden. I love the cactus down below. Looking at it as I type this. Those are two incredibly cute puppies and the phlox is beautiful.
If you aren't already familiar with it, google The Daily Puppy. You'll enjoy it.
Beautiful flowers for Ruby Tuesday and all over your blog. Wonderful shots! And the puppies are cute too.....
My contribution is here
Oh wow to Juno Grace!!
The flowers are wonderful but as soon as I saw that gorgeous pup it's all I could focus on.
Such brillance!
You could get lost in the eyes of those puppies - precious!
she is wondrous you are blessed . I am overflowing with happiness for you . Are they having pizza hahah Beautiful dogs .and I thought the waterlilies were a pinting...?
Beautiful flowers and the puppy is a very handsome guy. :D
The Phlox are lovely. I've never seen that variety. Your new puppy is adorable. Such an expressive face! I love the blue eyes. Will they stay that color?
Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Those flowers are almost neon in their brightness. I'd like about 100 sq ft for our yard!
Lovely pups, and Juno Grace will be a fine family addition. The blue eyes really stand out!
I will have to keep an eye out for the Ruby Volcano. Both size and color are just what I'm looking for.
I've bought some shorter paniculata - Purple Flame - White Flame that grows a bit shorter (12 - 15 inch) but the color of the Ruby Volcano is irresistible.
I never though I would use paniculata as a 'ground cover' but the shorter varieties planted in mass really make a colorful statement.
Juno is adorable!!! I'm surprised that you still have time to post right now--you're going to have your hands full for a little while. (Says one sled dog owner to another.) *grin*
And that phlox is so pretty. I love the bright color.
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