Friday, January 29, 2010

Hawaiian Hibiscus


This going to be a short post because I am enjoying the sunshine too much to be inside blogging. This pale Hibiscus was one of the nicest I have seen so far. The flowers were huge! The 10 inch flowers were such a delicate color although the plant itself was not healthy looking.
Click Here for a Larger Version

Since I have heard there is some snow back east here is a shot of a garden we saw on the North Shore. Our trip over there was a little rainy but the lushness easily made up for that. It sure takes a lot of time to make the loop around Oahu. There was some big surf and the water looked beautiful. This is our last day here as we head over to Maui tomorrow. I am excited to see my sister and my little nephew. This picture was taken with the Coolpix P6000 and that means it is a big file. I crushed it down (w/jpeg compression) as best I could.

Click Here for a Larger Version

I am nursing a slight sunburn but that isn’t stopping me from going outside as the tropical sun is nourishing and recharging my batteries. It is hot here today but a little hazy. I think the volcano is acting up a little.



Les said...

That hibiscus is not a color I am normally drawn to, but it is quite spectacular.

Kala said...

I haven't seen a hibiscus that color before but it's quite lovely! said...

more a botanic class....thanks
have a nice day, dear

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Hi Les,

I know what you mean about the color. This flower was just plain stunning and it would be hard not to like it.

Kala, Thanks for commenting. The soft color would mix well with some brighter colors. I hadn't seen one quite like this either.

Hey Grace,

Hope you are starting to get a little more daylight over there. The garden will be waking up soon.


Chie Wilks said...

all the flowers are beautiful and are taken beautifully...

the flame vine is quite new to me...the color is indeed similar to flame...

mine's here