Native White Rosemallow
Koki'o ke'oke'o
Hibiscus arnottianus
(hi-BIS-kus) (ar-not-ee-AH-nus)
This is considered a rare plant when growing in the wild in Hawaii. It is one of the few plants considered endemic to the islands. This plant was under cultivation on Maui and compared to the other types of Hibiscus you just don’t see it as much. It can get quite large, up to 30 feet tall, but I have only seen it around 10 feet. There are three subspecies of this plant and this particular flower is native to the moist to wet forests of the mountains of Molokai and Oahu.
It flourishes in moist, wet forest conditions at elevations from 390 to 2500 feet. The subspecies immaculatus is extremely rare and grows in a few valleys on Molokai, which we sadly will not be visiting this time. The pronunciation of the Hawaiian name is co key oh kay oh kay oh (Koki'o ke'oke'o).
There is a lot to do today before we leave tonight. The dogs have to get situated and there is still some packing to do.
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Have a good trip.
Love the purple stamen with the pure white petals.
Lovely shot - I have two hibiscus in pots in the backyard every summer.
Enjoy your trip!
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