Saturday, January 16, 2010

Luminous Jewel Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Luminous Jewel'

‘Luminous Jewel’ is a little unusual for a Daylily because of the nearly white color. The outer color is set off nicely with a green throat. It grows to about normal height and the flowers are fairly large at 5 inches wide. It was introduced in 1974. I think it would look good mixed with some darker colored Daylilies.

I am trying out linking to larger versions of the pictures that appear on this blogspot. It may or may not work and or it may need to be refined a little. The link will take you to the New Pictures album at the main site of Digital Flower You can view the other pictures in this post via the links on this page or by browsing the album. Here is a link to the larger version of ‘Luminous Jewel'. Click here

The name of this second Daylily was not evident when it was photographed last summer. I did find the colors attractive. The blending of the yellow and pink looked good.

A larger view of this photo is available here

The next couple of days are going to be Daylily pictures here. There is an over abundance of those types of shots left in the ‘to be used’ folder.


Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

There are soooo many daylilies, I can't tell many of them from another.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty. Your first one looks like one I posted the other day (along with others) to see if anyone could help ID them.

SandyCarlson said...

These flowers warm me up. Gorgeous, my friend.