Aquilegia 'Cardinal'
This red Columbine was a very nice sight to see. The darkness of the red combined with the white and yellowwas stunning. ‘Cardinal’ is part of the Songbird series of Columbine, which is known for its bright colors and large, long lasting flowers. One thing I noticed about ‘Cardinal’ was the flowers were held a little more upright than most Columbines. That made viewing and picture taking a lot easier.
These flowers are fairly adaptable to grow in the garden. Ideally they like morning sun but a little shade during the hottest part of the day. They do not like to dry out but do not need constant watering. If happy they will self seed and for me the mother plants usually only last a year or two but the planting can develop into a nice group over a couple of years.
See more spring flowers from all over the world at Today’s Flowers .

Hello, This is so lovely! It is the reddest Columbine I have ever seen!
angles intensify the beauty don't they ?If that is possible.sandy
Your Columbine is just beautiful! Love that color red.
That is an absolutely gorgeous columbine. I must look for it in a nursery or online.
I, too, love the fragrance of sweet alyssum.
wow, lovely!
I have Aquilegias in my garden, and Grannys Bonnets which are very happy to seed themselves everywhere! There's useful information in your post, and great photos too.
The columbine is so beautiful :)
There are such a variety of Columbines!What I love is seeing the different colors that bloggers post! This one would do just fine in my garden ..I have white Columbine growing happily!Thank you for sharing!
The color is regal. That columbine is really gorgeous. Sweet Alyssum sounds like it smells great.
Love that color of columbine, haven't seen it before.
I am totally unfamuiliar with the columbine here in Australia! So this photo of it is a delightful surprise! A radiant flower with so much depth of colour!
I too am amazed at the number of varieties of columbine, a plant which one rarely sees in Arizona -- too much heat, too much direct sunshine! So thanks for showing us another beautiful specimen!
Thanks for the comments. I a still amazed my camera caught the red color of this flower so clearly.
Nikon, FTW!
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