Club Moss
Selaginella kraussiana 'Frosty Fern'
(sell-lah-gi-NEL-uh) (krau-see-AY-nuh)
Interesting little plant I saw at the wholesale nursery I visited to buy some Poinsettias. I didn’t buy one but wish that I had. Most Club Moss is hardy to 10 deg. F but a few are even less so. It likes to be kept moist and needs strong light but not direct sunlight. This is a good plant for a terrarium or maybe a shelf on the bathroom window. It likes humidity.
We are expecting a major snowstorm today. Gawd, I hate that, I still have a lot of work to do in the garden. The totals keep going up every time I watch the weather forecast. They are now saying up to 11 inches (about 28 cm.) by tonight. Ugh.
i am glad you stopped by...your blog looks really interesting...i will return to learn more about plants...hugs, rebecca
You have a very colourful and informative blog. Enjoyed all posts.
Thanks for visiting my lil ol blog and your very kind comments.
My walk continues
I've seen those in the garden centers, and I never would have thought "terrarium" for them by the looks... so thanks for the info. that would probably be a fun plant to include in one.
If it makes you feel better, we were supposed to get 12 inches last Monday and then another 3-5 on Tuesday, plus maybe 2-4 on Thursday. We never quite even got enough altogether to cover the tips of the blades of grass! :) I hope that they are similarly wrong with your forecast.
It doesn't get as cold here, but we still have to cover our outdoor plants with plastic for protection.
The texture of this plant is amazing.
Thanks, it is a cool little plant.
Kim, we got the 8 inches with a nice icy rain frosting :(
I'm regular member of flower of the month club at Clubs of America.....!
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