Zonal Geraniums
Pelargonium x hortorum cv.
(pe-lar-GO-nee-um) (hor-TOR-um)
These Geraniums were still thriving and they looked pretty good with the late afternoon sun shining on them. Flowers are getting harder and harder to come by with the weather around here. We are having a bit of a late Indian Summer and after a cold October the temperatures have been nice. There is still not a lot left out in the garden. Traditionally Indian Summer comes with the leaves still on the trees so the definition here is a little stretched.

All of these pictures were taken on recent trips to Manhattan. These next two pictures are good examples of the stunning ISO performance you get with the D700. The first one is the lower Manhattan skyline. The Twin Towers would have been right in front of the building with the pointy top that the sun is shining on. This was actually taken in Weehawken, New Jersey. We were having a drink at the Chart House restaurant and I just stuck the camera up against the window glass. I had some fun in photoshop with it afterwards. It was a beautiful if slightly sad sunset.

Most people would have considered this church really dark. The D700 really amazed me with this shot. It is pretty straight out of the camera except I tried to remove a little yellow color cast. It was somewhat successful in this edit.

For more flower pictures from around the world check out:
Today’s Flowers . The links open at 1400 GMT.
Beautiful and they look so dainty...I like the color as well.
beautiful! I love the colours of them.
All of these are utterly amazing.
Thanks for taking us on your trip to Manhattan. Your photos are wonderful and those flowers are spectacular.
Hello those flowers are called periwinkles here in the Philippines and it's a medicinal plant. If I am not mistaken the concoction is good for cough.
Thank you for the visit.
What a great entry you have! Worth visiting here. Mine is up. God Bless! Hope to see you around.
I want a small pocket camera that can do that, Chris. Know any? That low light shot is incredible. No noise at all?
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