Sunday, November 01, 2009

November Chrysanthemums

November Chrysanthemums

"Every year, in November, at the season that follows the hour of the dead, the crowning and majestic hours of autumn, I go to visit the chrysanthemums ... They are indeed, the most universal, the most diverse of flowers."

Maurice Maeterlinck
Belgian playwright (1862-1949)

"Fair gift of Friendship! and her ever bright and faultless image! welcome now thou art, In thy pure loveliness--thy robes of white,
Speaking a moral to the feeling heart;
Unscattered by heats--by wintry blasts unmoved-- Thy strength thus tested--and thy charms improved."

Anna Peyre Dinnies
To a White Chrysanthemum
American poet (1805 - 1886)

For more flower pictures from around the world check out:
Today’s Flowers . The links open at 1400 GMT.


Unknown said...

lovely flowers!

Anonymous said...

All three photos are lovely. Thank goodness for mums for colour this time of year. ;-)

Carletta said...

Lovely fiery blooms in the first one!
I like the quotes you've chosen. Mums are indeed an autumn delight.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful chrysanthemums !

You might know the names of some flowers that I have posted, coz I don't know them. Hope to see you!

Carolyn Ford said...

Mums this time of year is something to look forward to! These are beautiful samples of what is to come very soon!

life ramblings said...

those are lovely chrysanthemums especially the first one.