Korean Fir
Abies koreana 'Horstmann's Silberlocke'
(A-bees) (kor-ee-AH-nuh)
Pinaceae (py-NAY-see-ay)
This is one of those plants that I have tried photographing a 100 times (kind of like those Lily-of-the Valley flowers). I am going to call this the best I can do and move on. It is a unique and fun tree to have in your garden. References say that it gets to 20 feet but mine are 15 and 20 years old respectively and are less than 5 feet tall. I do take the occasional stray growth off it but it is not too often. On one tree I had a regular Fir shoot coming from the bottom that was all green and I just removed it. This photo isn’t of my trees but of one at the nursery. It shows the bonus full-size cones. Fir cones are always fascinating to me. The real story is the white new growth and the way it curls. Later the needles flatten out a little more and it is still dramatic but a little less so. I would highly recommend this tree as a nice accent.
Today I am finishing that big planting job in Westport. I am just the guy putting the plants in as someone else designed, bid and purchased the plants. I have about 180 plants to put in with 5 helpers. Lucky for me they are all experienced. I have been using a 3 man crew during the week and I decided to call for some reinforcements. It is quite a diverse group of plants everything from 2 gallon Hosta to three 7-8 foot Blue Spruce. There is a 16 plant Common Boxwood hedge in there too. I love Blue Spruce but they are no fun to plant. The needles are really sharp. Since this place is within walking distance of the beach I think I will take my camera.

I am taking this home on Monday for a job in Ridgefield. Yeah! I love planting boxed trees. I have never had a failure yet. The only thing is they get a little root bound. Maybe I like you have to dig a square hole.
I love that Korean Fir image - it's simply beautiful. I found your site via Calendula and Concrete - I'll have to go through older posts and admire your photographs!
Hey Dig,
According to the plant guru Dr. Michael Dirr, Abies Koreana is THE finest in the world.
Your photos are awesome.
I've found that Japanese maples are tough plants. I've successfully transferred several that have been in ground between 1-10 years and they all lived. One, a mature specimen brutally dug out cutting off most of the roots and thrown on the trash heap before I had second thoughts and planted it in an inconspicuous corner of our property. Miraculously new leaves and growth have come on this spring. I've lost only two, one from a mailorder nursery, that plant rotted at the base of the tree and another probably a bareroot planted in the kind of potting soil I see all too often these days that's mostly bark. The tree just couldn't retain enough moisture despite daily watering.
The Abies is a great looking tree. I haven't seen many at all in the nurseries.
Pam and Carolyn Gail, thanks for visiting. I like both of your blogs.
I have to agree about the Japanese Maples. On the way to work a nursery is digging a huge weeper. I think they are going to have to use a crane to move it. I have had good luck moving them also. The Abies is a beautiful little tree the only drawback is it is a little expensive.
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