Modern Shrub Rose 'Lillian Austin'
I went and got my roses yesterday at Pound Ridge Nurseries in Westchester County. It is a real high priced nursery but they have the goods. They really sell some gorgeous stock. As a contractor they give me a slight discount. It didn’t really matter what they were charging at this point. I needed some roses and they had them, nice selections too. I kind of fell into the old trap of buying what had the most flowers and buds for Sunday. I got the following varieties:
Strike it Rich (a 2007 AARS winner. Grandiflora. Yellow)
Moondance (which I featured here)
Pink Travatia (Pink. Romantica® Hybrid Tea. Over 100 petal count. Enormous flowers that look like an old fashioned rose. I got this one because the sign said it was one of the “strongest disease resistant roses”.)
Sheer Magic (another 2007 AARS winner. Can’t really describe the flower color, it is awesome though.)
Rainbow Sorbet (Nice orange, red and yellow rose. Floribunda. Strong fragrance. Petal count 15-20)
These roses are going into the rose garden in front of the house. That is what it turned into anyway. I just started with a few roses and went on from there. Some of the other roses I have in the garden (off the top of my head) are:
Gene Boerner
Chicago Peace
New Zealand
Day Breaker
Cary Grant
Mr. Lincoln
Chrysler Imperial
Memorial Day
Marmalade Skies
One rose called Abraham Darby has just gone crazy this year there had to 50 to 60 flowers on it yesterday. It is a nice rose but even if it wasn’t it be hard to ignore. The roses grow really strong in the bed, my 'Mr. Lincoln' is about 6 feet tall.
I also needed a couple of shrub roses to go with some ‘Pink Knockout’ roses that I had already purchased. I decided on the yellow-orange ‘Tequila’. The Knock out Roses have been sitting around for about 10 days now and they are just silly blooming in the pots.
I didn’t buy the featured rose but it was a nice one. It had a good fragrance and handsome foliage on a stout bush (only gets to 3 feet). It is named after his Mother so I am pretty sure it is a good rose.
Petal Count: 30
Parentage: Aloha x The Yeoman
Breeder/Date: David Austin, U.K., 1973
This guy seemed to like it

For great insect photography visit Mark at The green fingered photographer
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the mention. If your into roses I just thought I would let you know that David Austin roses are about 20 miles from here. We quite often visit as they have a large Italian style garden displaying all their roses, it is free to enter and some of the shots on my web page are from their.
Cheeres Mark
You are welcome, I love your blog. You are lucky about the Austin Rose Gardens. I have to drive an hour to get to a big rose garden.
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