Sunday, December 09, 2007

Amur Maple 'Flame'

Amur Maple
Acer ginnala 'Flame'
(AY-ser) (jin-NAY-luh)
Synonyms: Siberian Maple, A.g. var. euginnala, Acer tataricum var. ginnala, A. t. var. aidzuense

Never sure what to call this plant since it has so many synonyms. I have taken to calling it Acer ginnala since it is the easiest. This is an interesting little tree that should be used in the landscape more often. In some areas it is considered invasive but in many years of growing it I haven’t seen any seedlings. Amur Maple is extremely hardy (USDA Zone 2) and can grow in a variety of soils and conditions. ‘Flame’ can get to 15-20 feet tall and needs very little maintenance. There aren’t a lot of diseases or insects that favor it other that the occasional tar spot. I have 4 specimens growing in various areas of the Estate as well as the dwarf variety ‘Emerald Elf’. All have done well although the one in full sun seems to get the best color. That is the real reason to grow this, the great fall color. I wish I had gotten to photograph this about a week earlier because it would show more of the habit of getting red, yellow and orange fall color on the same plant.

I wanted to go out and get a couple of pictures today but the forecast is for some freezing rain. I think I will stay in and maybe get some of the Christmas stuff out.


Ki said...

I was surprised to see an Amur maple tree in a townhouse yard a few blocks from where we live. It was a beautiful full small tree with many branches which could have been much more attractive with some judicious pruning. I once considered planting one but unfortunately wasn't able to locate one in the nurseries we frequented.

Unknown said...

These are great photos, they remind me of autumn. :) These leaves always seem so peaceful and calm, as if they have no cares in the world.

If you have any time (although who does nowdays?!), I was wondering whether you would you be able to identify the purple flower I have just posted on my blog? I've tried searching online and in my books for it, but although it's a common plant I just can't find it. Thanks!



Digital Flower Pictures said...

Hello Ki,

I am surprised that it is hard to find these. This one I got at plant sale at Wave Hill and the others I have I got as mail order sticks they have grown into small trees now. I would try and get the cultivar if you are still looking.

Hi David,
:lol: please don't rub it in that is summer where you are. Thanks and I left you a comment on your blog.