Happy Halloween
Phalaenopsis Orchid
Happy Halloween to everyone. This pumpkin was fiber optic and its eyes would glow orange every few minutes. Right now I am building a new website for the regular digital flower pictures.com. It would have been easier to hire someone at this point but I wanted the experience even if that means muddling through the process. It is taking a lot of time but should be a major upgrade when finished. I will post a preview link soon.
This Orchid picture was shot out on Long Island late this summer. It seems to be one of the more popular Orchids. They are easy to grow and seem to bloom for a long time. The each flower stem can last several weeks.
Happy Halloween, Chris! (Good luck with your new site)
keep us posted on the new site. Love the orchids.
Phalenopsis are easy to grow. I've found them to do better in orchid wood instead of in the sphag, which they rot in easily here in Florida...or on my porch at least!
Good luck with your site!
Orchids out on Long Island? Amazing! And I really love your pumpkin, too...Happy Halloween!
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