Cut-leaf Lilac
Syringa laciniata
(si-RING-gah) (la-sin-ee-AY-tuh)
Oleaceae (oh-lee-AY-see-ay)
You don’t see this plant too often (well I don’t anyways) and I often wonder why. It has been a welcome addition to the garden. I originally bought 3 plants but only 2 made it. The two that did make it have really turned into handsome plants, although one is getting a little crowded by a Sargent’s Crabapple (Malus sargentii). I planted my Cut-leafs on either side of a broad Granite staircase. It has been nice to enjoy the fragrant flowers and unusual foliage up close. They are quite vigorous and I have started to prune them a bit more. I have been holding mine at 4.5 feet but have read that 6 to 8 feet is a more normal height. The foliage seems fairly resistant to the dreadful Powdery Mildew but it can get it. Overall I am extremely happy with my Cut-leaf Lilacs.
I have been fooling around a bit with the Monochrome setting on my D70s, which is a lot of fun. Actually the best picture I took of the Lilac foliage was this one in B&W. It is not the greatest but you can get an idea of how unusual the foliage is on this Lilac. In reality the foliage is a nice medium green and turns yellow during the fall.

My plants are getting delivered today. Of all the jobs in gardening the one I enjoy the most is planting. Maybe because it is usually a final step in getting a project done. After all the work getting an area ready it seems easy to place the plants and put them in. Like the old saying goes something like “Plant a tree and you plant a hope.” I guess that sums up the way I feel it.
Yesterday I spent all day fine-tuning the irrigation system. I had to replace a couple of heads and clean some of the valves. I only have one station that is giving me a headache although I have 8 more stations to check. I will probably have to dig it up and replace the valve. I won’t be looking forward to that but it probably won’t be bad either. I wanted to take some pictures because there are literally hundreds of things in flower in the garden right now. Maybe at lunch today I can get a few snaps.
I have never seen nor heard of a cut leaf lilac before. Thanks for posting pictures of it.
Messing around with b&w is interesting. With the little I've done, it seems the more contrast you have with the subject and background the more successful the picture. Not necessarily always the case but useful for emphasizing the plant/flower. Trouble is, the value (dark, light) of a lot of flowers and foilage tends to be similar. And it's hard to determine (the value)looking at a red flower against a green background even if you squint. I guess you have to think b&w when taking photos.
Last season I forgot to winterize my system and I don't have to tell you what happened.
I yet to get it fixed... I better hurry up. Thanks for the reminder.
Your welcome. It is an interesting shrub that I think is going to become more popular. The B&W thing is experimental and I want to try and work with it more this summer.
deborah, thanks for visiting and commenting. I guess I don't feel so bad about having a couple of broken things on my system.
How beautiful... I had never heard of the cutleaf lilac before, either! I like the B&W picture. Very unusual.
Don't hesitate to try this plant. Thanks for stopping by.
I've been looking for the cutleaf lilac. I'm in Eastern Mass. Where did you buy yours? Any tips for me? Thanks, Nancy
All I can say is keep looking. I bought mine at imperial Nurseries in Windsor, CT. They are now a Shemin's. I think it is wholesale only.
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