Exbury Azalea
These are some Exbury Azaleas that were blooming at work. It has become kind of a generic term but I think these are actually the real thing. I tried to find some information on Exbury Azaleas and didn’t find what I was looking for. Which was a simple explanation of the history and classification of them.

This was one of the best:
“Exbury Hybrids: In 1922, Lionel de Rothschild of Exbury, obtained several Knap Hill seedlings from which he bred a further series of hybrids during the next 15 years.”
Also check out the
Exbury Gardens Homepage
That looks like quite place. I like the idea of an Azalea Bowl.

This is snapshot of some of the big Azaleas I moved last fall. Whew, looks like they came through it very well. The Crabapple, on the left was covered with flowers last week but the White Azaleas weren’t blooming. I should have taken a picture from the same spot and blended them together.

I was spreading mulch all day yesterday. I have already put out about 40 yards and have to order a lot more. I was thinking mulch is kind of like the hamburger of the tree world.
There a line of quite violent weather that moved through the area last night. A lot of trees and wires were down. Lucky it didn’t hit my neighborhood but it might have hit some of the garden areas, sigh.
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