A Few Wave Hill Iris
I went to Wave Hill yesterday and of course saw a lot of neat and strange plants. I have been there about a hundred times before but I always see a couple of new things. I am talking trees and established plantings so I don’t know how I missed them but I saw a couple of things I hadn’t noticed. I hadn’t really seen their Iris blooming before. There weren’t a lot of cultivars but what they did have was interesting and unusual. I didn’t spend a lot of time taking pictures of them because I find it a difficult flower to photograph. The rest of the gardens had really taken off since the last time I had been there in April. I will probably post a few more pictures of my trip during this week. I have 58 hours of work planned for this week and it shouldn’t be a problem if the weather cooperates. I am working today even though it is a holiday here in the United States. I don’t mind working on holidays because the traffic is so light. I can get to work in 40 minutes instead of the usual hour and ten minutes.
Here are a few more Iris from Wave Hill.

Roof Iris
Iris tectorum
(EYE-ris) (tek-TOR-um)
Roof Iris is an easy to grow species of Crested Iris. It is vigorous but graceful as it forms small clump about 1.5 feet tall and 3 feet wide. It’s wide foliage is handsome and adds extra interest to the garden. It can tolerate light shade and benefits from good drainage and regular mulching. I had posts on two other Iris species
Reticulated Iris
Iris bucharica

Here is a picture I ran through a couple of filters in Photoshop CS2®. The original picture didn’t have strong focus so this is what I ended up with. The Iris is a Siberian named ‘Pansy Purple’ and boy was it a strong eye-catching purple. It had a made a nice big clump that was loaded with flowers.

Variegated Iris buds. This is the one with the gold and green leaves. They complimented the nice blue flowers.
I've been looking thru your blog and like your flower pix very much. I'd like to be a gardener like you, but don't have the space nor knowledge but like reading about it. Came to you via BlogCatalog, I'm pp07. Hope to see you there. Cheers!
Thanks for visiting and leaving the nice review at BlogCatalog.
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