Variegated Weigela
Weigela florida 'Variegata'
(wy-GEE-la) (FLOR-id-uh)
Just a quick post for I am off to work today. These are a couple of shots from the Estate’s Weigela Collection. I am not even bringing my camera to work today, as I know I will be too busy to shot any pictures. I have decided to take Sunday off so maybe I will go to Wave Hill or the NYBG for a few snaps.
I usually like to have everybody gardens open by Memorial Day but it just isn’t going to happen this year. I should be able to get it done by next week and then I will have some time to concentrate on some of the new work I have on tap. It has been a heck of a season so far. I just wish I had more time to photograph it.
The various Weigela have been blooming for a few weeks. It is one of my favorite shrubs because all it needs is a bit of pruning and it is very reliable for blooming every year.

This is 'Pink Princess'
Here is a short list of the cultivars I am growing (there are others but I can’t think of them right now):
'Bristol Ruby'
'Bristol Snowflake'
'Java Red'
‘Midnight Wine’
'Pink Princess'
'Red Prince'
'Variegata Nana'
‘Wine and Roses’
Wow, DFF, you are a weigela fan! I grew a few in IL, and loved the variegated one. Here I'm experimenting with two tiny plants of 'Rumba' and even had a couple of blossoms in March.
It must look gorgeous there in May!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Hi Annie,
I do love Weigela. My little group has been blooming for a couple of weeks now. Good luck with the 'Rumba' it has performed well here in Connecticut.
Hi Chris, you and I are photographing the same subject matter this week. I have two varieties of Weigela and just purchased Wine & Roses. Mine is relatively carefree and gives me a beautiful wall of pink in the spring and the Hummingbirds love them. The only problem I have is with new bushes in the winter since the rabbits will prune them to the ground. I MUST remember to protect them this year. Love your photos!
I saw the variegated Weigela in a catalog recently and thought it was a very nice cultivar. The lilac blooms of the 'Pink Princess' looks fabulous too. I don't think I've ever seen a lilac colored Weigela before. You certainly have a huge collection of Weigelas. Amazing.
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