Idea leuconoe
Synonyms: Rice Paper Butterfly, Paper Kite Butterfly
This picture is from last winter at the Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory . It is an interesting and fun attraction located at 1316 Duval Street in Key West. While I thought the $10 US entrance fee was a little high on the way in soon I was happily snapping pictures of both the abundant butterflies and tropical flowers. I miss not going to Florida this year and have been strolling down memory lane through some of my pictures.

For more pictures of the Fabulous Florida Keys click here
We are still babysitting our dog, which had surgery a couple of days ago. She seems better but has moments when she seems to be relapsing. Molly has been eating and drinking and even stepping outside all of which are good signs. We have just been trying to make her comfortable.
You've got an amazing blog!
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The Tree Nymph Butterfly photo stopped me in my tracks. Like all your photos it is outstanding. I can only wish my best photos someday reach the quality of your worst. :)
I've enjoyed strolling down your memory lane. Thanks for sharing something I doubt I'll ever see in person.
Hope Molly feels better soon.
crisp lovely detail
Exquisite images...as always, you inspire me to better photography!
Well, if you do make it down here in the next year let me know. We can take you to some good swamp places. :)
Excellent butterfly photo. Next time I'm in Key West I'll have to stop there.
I do hope your Molly pulls through.
I love the pictures of the butterflies, especially the first one!
I was in Key West once, but I never knew this place existed. You have some great butterfly shots. Animals are resilient. Molly will be back to her old self in no time.
Thanks everybody for the comments on Molly and the pictures. She is going back to the vet today for a crucial check up. She wagged her tail a couple of times yesterday which is a bit of the old Molly.
misti, that sounds great. You really have some wonderful adventures out in the woods.
Very colourful butterflies. I wish I could take photo of them too.
Keeping my fingers crossed for Molly and the crucial vet appointment...
Very lovely photos, as always. I love how you can see the fuzziness of the leaves that the tree nymph butterfly is on.
Gosh that butterfly is remarkably similar to our Monarch butterflies here in New Zealand! What does the caterpillar look like?
Chris, your blog has always been wonderful but some of these posts are absolutely, Paradise. Great work.
tree nymph -
i think we both blink
at the camera flash
haiku written during my residency at Wildwalk at Bristol in 2004.
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