I have a busy day planned so here is another archive shot of some red and white Tulips. I am not sure where or when I shot this. Tulips are always a special flower to me. You really can’t plant them here in Connecticut unless you have a fenced in area because of the deer. They seem to really relish the foliage and buds.
Thanks to all the people that have been visiting lately. I hope to go to the Orchid Show at the NYBG on Sunday so starting next week there should be some fresh flower shots here. It gets to be a little tough this time of year to keep with the general idea of this blog, which was to be posting pictures I shot with in a week of two of the post. I can’t wait to get back to doing that.
Thanks for all of the nice shots, even if they were not recent, they are a pleasure. We consider tulips an annual here because of the heat, but there are a few culitvars and species that will repeat.
What a beautiful photo! The Pheasant's Eye Narcissus is very nice too.
Have a nice weekend :)
Those tulips are gorgeous.....one of my favorite spring flowers.
The tulips are beautiful. I've never been to an orchid show so I would be interested to know what's it like.
Wonderful tulips. I have not tried tulips yet. I will need to try those next year. The orchid show sounds great I can't wait to see your photos of it. I'm glad you are having more visitors you blog is amazing.
Great shot of the tulips.I have tulips lots of them. Someday I will be seeing them. Of course that is if all this snow ever melts here in Chicago. Have A Great Time At The Show
nessa, marie and tracy, thanks for leaving a comment.
les and vanilla, there are only a few tulips I consider reliably perennial. Darwin tulips are one. You might try some Botanical or species tulips they are not as showy but seem to come back every year.
av8, I love any kind of plant show ;)
I have been to a couple of different Orchid shows and always find them worth attending. Orchid growers are a special bunch.
glenn, thanks for stopping by. I have heard you have had a bad winter out there. Are sick of plowing snow yet?
great photography , and must admit after reading your blog about burning cd's i feel for you as I know how time consuming it can be.
Must admit I believe Google is going to follow Microsofts lead in the next 3 months by providing external storage and I think I am going to go that way instead of buying an external drive
Steve From
The Power Gardeners Guide
Outstanding photograph!
I love tulips, and this is one of the best images I've ever seen, captures all I love about that flower.
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