Happy ABC Wednesday, as usual I will be looking to see what everyone came up with. It has been a busy week that will come to a head on Thursday night when I play my first professional gig since last Christmas. Actually it is a benefit for the family of a friend that died unexpectedly a couple of months ago. We have had a couple of rehearsals and luckily I knew most of the songs already. I did have to learn a few of the old riffs like ‘Lyin Eyes’ and ‘Rebel, Rebel’.

This first flower is a Dahlia from the Melody series. They were introduced in 2000 and seem to be sticking around. This variety ‘Melody Allegro’ was blooming at White Flower Farm. I had forgotten what allegro meant (I’m playing everything by ear these days) and looked it up. It means at a brisk tempo.

I have a lot of rose pictures left over from the Rose Festival; I probably could have gone on for a couple more weeks. Here are two more pink ‘M’ roses. ‘Memorial Day’ is a Hybrid Tea rose that has a strong fragrance. This is kind of the smaller version of the flower as I had some that were really huge. This rose combines two parents that I like very much 'Blueberry Hill' and 'New Zealand'; both are great roses in my opinion. It could use a better name, as Memorial Day is always too busy a time for me!

I was going to post another ‘M’ photo but couldn’t bring myself to do it. It actually was a double m. Meager and Maple foliage. The foliage in this area is some of the worse color I can remember seeing. Sure there are a few pockets of good color and some individual trees that look good but on the whole it looks washed out and thin to me. I generally judge the foliage season by the collection of Maples at the Estate. There are 20+ species of Acer and numerous cultivars. Most are showing really crummy color compared to years past.
Edited to add:
Oops, shows how tired I am. I forgot the ABC Blogroll:
Here are some of the other blogs that are participating in ABC Wednesday. If you want to join let me know and I will add your link.
mrs nesbitts place
hin's photoblog
tech the man
a bit of this a dash of that
Little Rock Daily Photo
Kissing the Dogwood
strolling through Georgia
Ruth's Garden Blog
dwq online
kate isis
photography by kml
Salty Dogs
The Modern Goddess
Simply Sage
HeART of the Nest
author blog
ten forty
Ackworth born, gone West
Secluded Habitat
Gemmas House
What a beautiful Dahlia - it looks like it is glowing from inside - beautiful work!
I'm always amazed at the beautiful photos of flowers I find here. :)
I just love that dahlia, the unfolding colours are beautiful.
I'm off to buy flowers this afternoon, my house is always filled with them, not expensive blooms just colours and hopefully scents. Your photo has inspired me to look for those dahlia colours today. :)
I didn't know you were a singer, kudos to you!!
I really love the colours in the Dahlia; beautiful rose too. I hope all goes well on Thursday :o)
Hey digital, the dahlia is just stunning and next time i'm at the nursery i'm going to take a closer look for them.
Good luck with the gig xox
Ahhhhhhhhhhh loved them all!
I am in the process of planting over 200 bulbs...Spring and Summer are going to be so exciting!
It's wonderful to see these beautiful dahlias and roses; I like photographing the ones I've found in Portland, too.
If you get time, please visit my ABC Wednesday M is for M & Ms today. Thanks.
This is definately the place to come for beautiful flowers!
Absolutely beautiful Dahlia. The colors are amazing. Every time I see a dahlia the more I want some. I might have to get this dahlia it's just wonderful looking.
Wow, I love the deep colors of the Dahlia. I'll have to look for it. We grew a bunch of no name ones but they don't come anywhere close to this one in coloration.
Those are absolutely scrummmmmmmmmmptous flowers, DFP. I really like learning the different varieties of these beauties from you.
Incredibly subtle colors and lighting.
--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
What a beautiful picture of all your flowers.....very nice!!!!!
Flowers are gifts from Paradise and lift the spirit. These are beauties.
I tagged you for a meme but only for fun and there is no expectation for you to participate if the will doesn't arise. :)
Thanks for the comments everyone and the well wishes for Thursday. I am a little bit nervous but it will all work out, I'm sure.
WFW, :lol: I am definitely not a singer. I like playing lead guitar and keyboards. I only sing 3 or 4 songs a night, if I have to. Good for you on keeping the flowers around.
ki, I won't grow the no-name or mixed ones anymore after being disappointed this year. I didn't get anything like this one in the mix. Better to spend a little extra and get trusted and tested varieties or buy plants in bloom so you are sure of what you are getting. You would think I would know that after all this time.
annie, we are learning together, as I usually find out a few things when writing these posts.
mrs. nesbitt, I will certainly be looking forward to seeing the results on your blog. That's a lot of digging.
Sorry to most of the ABC bloggers this week. I didn't have time to leave detailed comments at your sites. I did want to see what you came up with for 'M'.
Princess, thanks for visiting and I will check it out.
I'm a day late, but I had to comment on your dahlias with such vibrant colors. Good luck on your gig tonight.
Gorgeous, gorgeous and gorgeous... your photographs are always beautiful!
Lovely lighting on these. Is there a web or blogsite to find out about ABC Wednesdays? Like what the current letter is?
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