2007 Rose Festival Day Four
If you are here for Wordless Wednesday please scroll down to the next post of the yellow rose.
I can’t tell how beautiful I thought this rose was. It is was orange but had the slightest tinge of red in it. I saw it from across the garden and knew that my camera was going to have trouble capturing the color. I did move my saturation from Vivid (+1) to Normal. I think I will start doing that when photographing very vivid orange and red flowers. Lucky it was very cloudy out or I wouldn’t have stood a chance.
This rose is from the famous German rose breeder Wilhelm Kordes.
click here
Here is some history on Wilhelm Kordes from Google Book Results, you’ll have to go to the beginning of Chapter 11. I hope you find your way with this link, if you are interested.
The book is:
Climbing Roses of the World
By Charles Quest-Ritson
Published 2003
Timber Press
ISBN 0881925632
click here
I have seen this rose described as a Hybrid Tea, a Grandiflora and a Floribunda. The official American Rose Society class designation is Grandiflora.

I know this picture is a little underexposed but I thought you might like to see the way the flower grows on the ‘bush’. The color is such a nice contrast to the green foliage.
Origin: Germany (1971) by W. Kordes and Sons
Height: 3 feet
Petal Count: 33
Fragrance: Mild
Parentage: Color Wonder × Zorina
Synonyms: KORp
Ah, I love Wednesdays. Not only is it Wordless Wednesday and ABC Wednesday but to top it off it is trash day here. I gotta get those cans up to the road! Seriously, I like it because it gives me a chance to catch up with friend’s blogs, see some new ones and look at all the cool things everyone is posting. Thanks to everyone who has been coming to visit my Festival (or maybe it is Carnival) of Roses. Roses are easy to take pictures of because they almost always obey my number one rule for taking a nice picture, start with a beautiful subject.

Here are some of the other blogs that are participating in ABC Wednesday. If you want to join let me know and I will add your link.
mrs nesbitts place
hin's photoblog
tech the man
a bit of this a dash of that
Little Rock Daily Photo
Kissing the Dogwood
strolling through Georgia
Ruth's Garden Blog
dwq online
kate isis
photography by kml
Salty Dogs
The Modern Goddess
Simply Sage
author blog
Secluded Habitat
Wow, that some awesome flower shots you got here. It really brings them forward to focus with this black background too :-)
Perfect focus and colors - so beautiful!!
That is a beautiful rose...but then all of your pictures do them great justice! I love orange in the garden. I call orange plants 'fifty mile per hour plants' because you can spot them when you are driving that fast!
Beautiful K pictures. The color is fabulous!
Beautiful, Chris
I love your roses....I am not very good with them, though...I am doing ABC Wednesday. come visit!
Absolutely beautiful. Great colors, great focus, great shot.
Your photos of roses are a delight. Difficult to choose which I like the best. Since most monitors aren't calibrated it's a crap shoot when it comes to color accuracy. I've looked at some of my photos using the public library computers (lcd monitors) and the colors are usually pretty awful.
DFP - You surely heard me gasp when your page loaded - that really is a beauty.
Good to hear that others have trouble photographing reds - I do too, they always seem to bleed, or are glaring. I thought it was just me! :)
I love reading about all these roses. You have so much information to offer. Informative garden blogs are my favorite and I love yours and your beautiful photos.
I just love orangey roses. They just glow with energy and light.
So , the most important question, at least to me, does it smell like a rose. Its color reminds me of Dolly Parton and she is so fragrant!
lovely shot, the water droplet adds beauty to the flower
Thanks to all the visitors.
jean, Kordes roses are bred to be disease resistant, hardy and basically tough. The fragrance was kind of lost along the way, I think.
hin man,
Thanks for visiting again. That was a very brief but lucky rain shower that passed over the garden.
I like the red and green contrast. Whoever takes care of these roses really have a green thumb.
I find your photos to be a joy to behold, not only because of the beautiful subjects, but also because of the care you take with each photograph.
When you've got a minute, please go when you get a chance to Portland (OR) Daily Photo and check out my K is for Kitchen photo.
as a Yorkshireman married to a Lancashire lass I always joke that we grow pink roses in our garden
I just started joining in with ABC Wednesday and have added you to my ABC blogroll
Av, hello, thanks for the comment. One thing I was blessed with is a green thumb although I can only claim growing about half the roses on this site.
lynette, thanks and I will check out your site.
ackworth born, pink roses are okay, any rose will do. Glad you made it over here and I added your blog to the roll for next week.
What a beautiful rose, your photos are so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them with us.
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