Golden Full Moon Maple
Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'
(AY-ser) (shir-ah-sa-WAN-um)
I have been working on a fairly large design for work and this is one of the trees that I want to plant. There is nothing quite like it. It adds a great look to the landscape without being bizarre. I just hope if it is approved that I can find one. I sent the client this picture via email because they weren’t sure about it. I have been doing quite a bit of work over the Internet, everything from sending proposals, invoices, status reports and orders. I have been doing a ton of plant research on line. I probably have only cracked a plant book a few times this season. If you are crafty with your search terms you can even identify plants.
The ‘Golden Full moon’ Maple is a tree that really stands out in the landscape. Someone once gave me a just grafted one. It only had two leaves and was about 4 inches tall. It is now about 4 foot tall and is getting the nice branching habit. So it is slow growing. The color is dependent on the sunlight it receives. I would never plant in a ‘hot’ area of the garden. It needs some sun to develop the real yellow color. I think the fall color is better when it gets some sum. It will grow in shade but tends to be more chartreuse.
I have been working on the pictures I took out in Las Vegas. I made a new page at my website http://digitalflowerpictures.com. I have not figured out how to put a link in these posts so you will have to use the link on the home page and then go to the Las Vegas page. I don’t think I can put a link in these posts the Safari support isn’t great at blogger.com. Here is one of the night pictures from Vegas.

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