Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata 'David'
(floks) (pan-ick-yoo-LAY-tuh)
This is a beautiful cultivar of Garden Phlox. It is the most resistant to the dreaded Powdery Mildew in my experience. The bright white blooms are fragrant and don’t need staking in my garden. Phlox is such a classic flower and it is nice to see it in the border. It does need good air circulation and it is best to water the plants at the base. I wanted to find out a little more about Powdery Mildew and I found these pages:
Plant Clinic Cornell.edu
Garden Guides.com

Thankfully it hasn’t been a bad year for PM. I haven’t seen it on the usual suspects, Bee Balm, Lilac, Phlox or Roses.

This is another Phlox that I am growing. I think it is ‘Laura’ but it might be ‘Little Boy’ as the tags got all mixed up. I found pictures with both of the names on the net.

I went to Long Island to buy some perennials on Saturday and everything was blooming out there. I took the ferry and passed the time shooting a few pictures. I don’t know why my circular polarizer kicked in so well on this shot but the sky really wasn’t that color. Normally I try and avoid Converging Verticals but in this shot I thought they would look good. Of course I couldn’t really get them to converge when I wanted, just when I don’t.

I had a little fun in Photoshop with this one. I made the bottom of the photo B&W and kept the sky in color. This is the big power plant that you see when you leave the ferry terminal on the Bridgeport side.
Hi Chris,
Il ne pleut pas...
Cheers Mark
Nice photo of 'David'. I have never had PM on 'Miss Lingard' which is also white but blooms a bit earlier. Your info.
I am actually better at Spanish but I think you said that it isn't raining. I am happy for you. I hope you are going to post some pictures of your trip.
layanee, hi, thanks for visiting. I have never tried 'Miss Lingard' but almost all Phlox gets Powdery Mildew around here. I will have to try that one and see how it does. Thanks for the tip.
This was my first year with phlox and it was volunteer. I think birds dropped it in my bed.. I sure enjoyed it.. Yours are fantastic!!!
My phlox is an old family passalong, white with no name - and with the odd weather we're having this year it hasn't bloomed at all. I can't remember that ever happening before.
The 'might be Laura' phlox is very nice and in a color I love.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Hi DF,
Phlox is such a classic every garden should have some. If you get a chance try a few of the named types, you'll love them.
Your weather has been wacky from what I have seen on TV. Same with our English friends. We are having an almost 'normal' summer (little cool and more rain). It has been a stellar year in the garden though. My Phlox that are in part shade didn't bloom this year either.
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