Pickerel Weed
Pontederia cordata
(pon-te-DARE-ee-uh) (kor-DAY-tuh)
I think I like the other common name for this plant better, Pickerel Rush. There seems to be another plant that goes by Pickerel Weed called Monochoria vaginalis. That is the problem with referring to plants by their common names. This flower was blooming on the side of the pond I took the water lily pictures on Saturday. I did find a website that said the young leaves are edible, as are the seeds. I don’t think I would try eating it.
This is a close up of Nymphaea odorata water lily.

It has been sounding like a war zone around my house the last couple of nights with all the fireworks going off. It has been scaring the heck out of my Border Collie and believe me she doesn’t need to be anymore neurotic than she already is during the rest of the year. The Siberian Husky on the other hand doesn’t seem to be bothered. I am going to plant my 50 1-gallon Pachysandra plants today. I might need a few other plants to fill in but then that garden is finished.
I have Pontederia in my small pond..not in flower but I live in hope. I had never known that it was edible; don't think I'll try it though. Pachysandra?..I'm sure I know the name...is it a ground cover?
Pachysandra, which is the king of all groundcovers here in the states, is also called Japanese Spurge. I hope your Pontederia blooms too, Ruth. That is what gardening is all about, optimism.
The pickerel weed looks very nice. We planted some in our fishpond but the flowers were unimpressive. I guess it needs more mud and organic matter to really flourish.
Great photos of the waterlily especially the close ups. I didn't realize it was considered an invasive but I can see why from the photo. Like water lettuce or water hyacinth in warmer climes.
You are right about the muck, that what it was growing in. Not good if you like to keep your pond clean. Thanks for the comment about the photos.
Nice sharpness.
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