Hybrid Verbena
Verbena 'Lanai Lavender Star'
Verbenaceae (ver-be-NAY-see-ay)
I took these photos on June 6th of this year. I just found the flash card on my desk and it had 48 photos on it. This is three stages of ‘Lavender Star’ which has been performing well in the garden this year. One patch was almost completely devoured by slugs but has since been making a valiant effort at coming back. I like growing Verbena it is usually a trouble free and good producing annual. They have so many series and colors now it is hard to choose. I guess I am kind of partial to the red and purple ones though last year I grew a peach colored one that was exceptional.

We had more thunderstorms last night. If this keeps up I am going to have to get the lawn mower out again. We got about .5 to .75 inches of rain which was good and no violent winds. The heat wave (3 or more days at or above 90 deg.F) was not that bad and now the forecast is for cooler weather. It already feels better outside.

How is this for a shallow depth of field?
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