Great Coneflower
Rudbeckia maxima
(rud-BEK-ee-uh) (MAKS-ih-muh)
Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY-see-ay)
Synonyms: Great Rudbeckia, Dumbo's Ears, Cabbage Leafed Coneflower
This is a fun plant for a tough area or the back of the border. It has large bluish leaves that can grow up to 18 inches long. Later in the season the flowers shoot out on tall (5 to 7 foot) stalks. The central cone (which is only partially developed in this photo) is 2 to 3 inches tall. It mixes well with Cutleaf Coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata 'Herbstsonne').
Both of them are some of the tallest perennials I know that don’t need staking, which is always a plus in my book. This plant is native to Louisiana and Arkansas into parts of Texas so it is a heat and humidity tolerant perennial. It is hardy to USDA Zone 6 and has been in cultivation since the 1800’s. This plant will tolerate (and like) moist areas but mine are in a border with regular soil and water.
This time of year I am doing a lot of pruning. I must have pruned 50 different species in the last two days with plenty more on tap for the next couple of day (or weeks). I have been encouraging everything to grow and boy it hasn’t disappointed. Of course the more you prune the more you have to because it encourages more growth. Today I am going to top the Forsythia, clean up the early blooming Spireas and work on some of the Japanese Maples.
Hi Chris,
I just posted some pictures of R. maxima too. The lighting of your newly formed flower is very nice.
You have some nice pictures of the full flower. You sure are a couple of weeks ahead of us on everything.
beautiful picture! very nicely done.
happy ww!
What a unique flower! First time I see one. Wonder if it would grow in humid Singapore?
so beautiful! the macro shot is nicely done.
Oooh that is beautiful. As ever a magnificent shot.
Gorgeous portrait of this beauty. Thanks for a great start to the day!
Somehow I posted the wrong link at WW.
This is a link today's
Today's Wordless Wednesday
wow! a delightful beauty of nature
beautiful picture! i've seen so many beautiful pictures in other blogs and this is one of them!
Reminds me of spring and I'm so ready for that. Have a great WW. :)
first time i've seen a flower like this, thanks for sharing. happy ww.
Beautiful shot! It's very unique. Have a great WW.
That is really cool!
Come on over, check out my "redone blog" and check out some new "do's"
Great shot!
great macro shot! beautiful flower :)
That's beautiful! For some reason, it looks somewhat a sunflower to me. It's just me :D
amazing flower!!
thanks for sharing the info!
Happy WW!
Lovely photo and great advice. We've had nearly 12 feet of snow this winter and it is snowing again today. I think I'll look for some online seed catalogue when I'm done pining for your flowers.
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