ABC Wednesday - P
Purple Leaf Plum
Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius'
(PROO-nus) (ke-ra-SEE-fer-uh)
Synonyms: Purple Cherry Plum
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This one has ‘P’s a lot of P’s. The Genus Prunus is an important one in ornamental horticulture. It contains the Almonds, Cherries and Plums and Peaches so they are important for fruit production, also. There are over 400 species in Prunus.
This cultivar of Purple Leaf Plum is nice since has a final height of 8-10 feet and it has what is considered the darkest foliage. More often than not in most gardens it seems a smaller tree is better. It beats having to try and minimize everything several years down the line.

This is a much taller (30 feet) version of the tree pictured above. It has an upright vase shape and seems very hardy and is a reliable flowerer. It is one of the first blooming flowering trees in this area, which alone makes it worth planting.
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Mrs. Nesbitt’s Place
Oh those are beautiful photos. Wonderful P post...
P seems to be very versatile doesn't it? love the colors in your photos!
Mine are posted!
Neva 1
Neva 2
Lovely photos for your ABC Wednesday post.
I love those little nubs in the first photo. Perfect P post.
As ever lovely photo's
Beautful shots.
Pop over and see my Pot
Beautiful. The coloring of the leaves on these is also wonderful.
Beautiful photos that make a perfect "P" post.
Very nice P's and fantastic, wonderful shots!
Have fun
These trees are so spectacular in spring. Love them!
Kathy b
Oh wow what fantastic photo's! Makes me shy about posting mine!!!
What a great post and beautiful pictures:)
Well done!
Interesting info accompanying your purple leaf plum photos!
How lovely! PERFECT choice for today! :D
(Phew! Just catching up having spent a few days away on the motorbike catching some sunshine....sorry I am late)
These are just awesome.As ever....
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