Malus x domestica 'Scarlet Sentinel'
(MAL-us) (doh-MESS-tik-a)
Synonyms: Malus pumila, Pole Apple
This is tree certainly goes into the ‘oddball’ category as it has no branches. It is a dwarf Apple tree that grows to 12-15 feet tall and produces edible fruit. It may be kept smaller by topping and can be grown in a container. I read that any other apple can pollinate ‘Scarlet Sentinel’ and that it has to be pollinated by another variety of the same type. Not sure what to believe on that. Surely a good choice as a novelty tree or for the small garden.
On Friday night even though I was tired I decided to drive out to Cheshire, Connecticut to see Sandy Carlson’s art exhibit. I am glad I did as I got to meet her and got a personal tour through the show and some of the background on the photos. Let me just say that Sandy is as beautiful and brilliant as she appears to be on her blog, Writing in Faith .
She always seems ebullient and personal when she is writing and also when she visits this site. I can say it is not an internet persona, she is like that in real life and it was a pleasure to meet her and her husband.
I have always liked and enjoyed Sandy’s photography on her blog but now I have a whole new respect to how she handles a camera. The small thumbnails on her blog do not do justice to her photographic skills.

Here is my review of the show:
Strange Attractions: Exploring Graffiti
Photo Exhibit by Sandy Carlson
At the:
The Funky Monkey
130 Elm Street
Cheshire, Connecticut
April 29 to May 27, 2008
“Certainly the subject of Ms. Carlson’s show ‘Strange Attractions: Exploring Graffiti’ is one that can be controversial and dismissed by some as not being art. However once the pictures are removed from their mostly urban and dismal surroundings you can get a whole new appreciation for the beauty of these murals. The pictures that are displayed present a well thought out, colorful and technically proficient series of images that are amazing. It is a different and stimulating encapsulation of an art form that often does not get more than a quick glance as you drive by.
What I found myself doing at the exhibit is taking a longer and much more in-depth look at the slices of graffiti Ms. Carlson has chosen for the show. It made me wonder about the artist, the location and the subject matter of each picture. I love art that is thought provoking and interesting and certainly this exhibit is both. I don’t think I will look at graffiti the same way again. Definitely worth attending.”

I'm honored.Thanks!
Speechless, too. Which seldom happens. I was touched that you came out of your way to have a look and take the time. Another great thing about blogging.
I came across your website and feel like I found heaven.
Have a great day, neighbor!
How wonderful that you got to meet her and talk to her about her photos. Looks like a wonderful exhibit. The print you bought is great.
Hi Chris,
Looks like we are on a similar theme today, great time of year
Cheers Mark
Thanks for sharing this post on Sandy. She is one of my blog mates and I am blessed and fortunate to have her as one of my faithful blog supporters.
Sandy, :lol: God bless and I hope you do real well with the show.
VL, how ya doing? It was nice to make a personal connection.
Mark, Happy Spring to you. I haven't had much time to visit with friends but I am going to catch up with your blog tonight.
Ebb Tide, thank you for visiting. I agree about Sandy. She has been an avid supporter of this blog.
I just swoon over these pics and what kind of camera someday me maybe- Its what I love and I look at it again and again.//sandy
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