Rosa 'Radcon'
These seem to be all the rage in roses now. I guess they are okay and serve a purpose. Nothing can replace the Hybrid Tea in my heart. They have two very nice attributes, they stay small and they do have good disease resistance. I like the pink and the original red the best.
Here is a link to the story of the breeder of the Knockout Roses, William Radler of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I guess a rose with it’s own site is kind of cool.

A couple of milestones have slipped by here at Digital Flower Pictures.com. As of last week there have been over 200,000 page views. There have also been close to or over 1,000 visitors per day. I don’t think I could have imagined that many people viewing this site in the beginning, even now it is difficult. I hope everyone has been getting something from their visits. A bit of plant knowledge, some gardening tips or just a lift from seeing some flowers. Thanks for visiting!
I'm knocked out and I actually have this rose
Beautiful pictures! I enjoyed your previous posts, too. I liked reading your review on the Cheshire exhibit, as well. Things are really busy here, but I would like to stop by one day if we can.
Is 'Pink Knockout' a shrub rose, Chris? It looks much like my 'Carefree Beauty'. Are they related?
sandyland, I hope you continue to get knocked out ;)
sandpiper, The Funky monkey is a cool place and the show is worth stopping by.
Hi joey,
Good eye. The 'Knockout' series was developed from a seedling of 'Carefree Beauty'. I think it is in the category of landscape shrub roses. 'Pink Knockout' was a seedling of the original red. One other fact is that the 'Knockout' roses has the longest blooming cycle of any rose.
All of your current photos are wonderful. I especially liked the grace of the apple blossom.
I like the first one best. Symmetry works really well in this photo.
David Webb - Nature Pictures
A friend put in 5 Rosa radcon, Pink Knock Out, roses in her Michigan garden this year. Problem is that they have all gotten powdery mildew. I live in the same area & have 4 or 5 of the original lipstick pink Knock outs as well as Carefree Beauty and none of those have been affected by powdery mildew. Has anyone else had powdery mildew on their Pink Knock Outs, Rosa radcon?
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