Geranium 'Stephanie'
This is another beautiful hybrid perennial Geranium. It was developed from a seedling at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland and is a distinct cross between Geranium peloponnesiacum and G. renardii. They like moist sites and full sum but I have grown them in less than ideal conditions and been happy with them. This cultivar is very floriferous and can rebloom later in the season with a little light shearing after the first wave of flowers.
I know last Sunday I said I was going to work this Sunday but oh well. I have a job I will be finishing off today which is always a plus. I have a couple of appointments, also. The planting job went well on Saturday and we got everything in. I need a couple of more trees and some mulch and that job will be finished up too.

It was funny to see this daisy in a sea of Alyssum. I wish I had a wider angle to show the 100's of flats of Alyssum.
The daisy sea made me think of fresh berries. I have to stop thinking about my stomach once in a while.
Have you seen the topiaries in Beijing for the Olympics? A friend sent photos to me today, and I thought of you. Don't know if you're into that fancy scissor work, but if you go here and scroll way way down, you can see some of the work.
That is quite a setup they have there Sandy. Thanks for the link. For the record I don't mind topiary. I don't think those are cut out of shrubs, though. They are built with wire frames and small low growing plants are 'plugged' into them.
wow that one daisy standing up
I like this shot. There's a sense of humor to it. And the white of the daisy is quite striking against the rich colors of the sweet alyssum.
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