Impatiens 'Pink Ice'
This is the Impatiens that I got the 40 flats of yesterday. It is all going to one house. I have never used the Variegated Impatiens on this large of a scale before so it going to be a bit of an adventure. In general I like variegated plants but some are too garish. This Impatiens is really tasteful and dainty so the variegation really works well. I did some other planting including some Japanese Iris ‘Sensation’ (Iris enstata), ‘Magnus’ Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), ‘Becky’ Shasta Daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum 'Becky'), Tioga Double Impatiens, Assorted Dahlia, ‘Profusion’ Zinnia and a 12 flats of Begonias.
As I was planting the Scarlet Begonias the Jerry Garcia song kept going through my head. When I got home I had to put the song on my Ipod. Since I hadn’t listened to the song in a long time the words were a little different than I remembered but it is still a great song.
Here are a couple of the verses:
“She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes,
She wore scarlet begonias tucked into her curls,
I knew right away she was not like other girls, other girls.
Well, I ain’t always right but I’ve never been wrong,
Seldom turns out the way it does in a song.
Once in a while you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right.”
Words by Robert Hunter and Jerry Garcia
That is one thing I like about having an Ipod is my complete CD collection is at my fingertips. I didn’t have to rummage through all the discs (several hundred) to find the song I wanted to listen to. I just dialed it up. ‘Scarlet Begonias’ was followed by ‘Scarlet Fever’ by Kenny Rodgers and ‘Scatterbrained’ by Jeff Beck alphabetically. Talk about three different worlds.

I am working today at the small farm. I bought some perennials and have to finish the clean up and do some more corrective pruning. This week I have two more houses to open up and then I will have to start making some return visits to the houses that I have already been working on. This week is the last Sunday I am working for a couple of weeks. I feel like the photographic season is passing me by. Other than a couple of quick snaps at work or the nurseries I have been visiting I really haven’t had a lot of time to take pictures. In way that has been good since I have had to try and make those pictures count.
These are so beautiful. Not only these even the previous ones too. Whenever I visit your site, I don't know which to gaze at. It is a treasure of flowers here.
I still am researching on which Indian plants to post on. Not an expert like YOU, you see. :)
THat is a nice impatiens, I'll look around for it, here, haven't planted impatiens in several years. love the blue 'azalea', too! I didn't know they came in that color.
Down here it is only a couple of weeks away from "Sugar Magnolia" season (Magnolia grandiflora). The song is already playing in my head.
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