Garden Mum ‘Helga’
Chrysanthemum x morifolium 'Helga'
(chri-san' thah-mum) (mor-ee-FOH-lee-um)
This mum had an interesting habit and color. It was only about 10 inches tall but 24 inches wide. The effect of the color was less yellow as you moved away from it. Here is a link to some more information on Chrysanthemums:
Dr. Leonard Perry, Professor, University of Vermont

Tonight we are staying over at Newark Airport to prepare to fly to Maui on Friday. The flight goes Newark-Dallas-Maui. I am going to try and keep this site going from Hawaii but have to see what the internet situation is there. I hope to be out taking some good pictures. I haven’t packed anything yet so it is going to be a mad rush when I get home from work. Aloha to all.
Bon adventure! Maui, how cool is that. Go pack!
Nice clear yellow mum photo.
As one of your regular viewers, I think I can speak for all of us that we are so jealous that only lovely pictures will help us get over it, so take a lot and take often.
These chrysanthemums look wonderful clustered together in both photos!
Have a wonderful trip!
Have fun in Maui! That's a gorgeous mum.
These are lovely. Chrysanthemums are so perfect for Autumn or rather the spirit of Autumn itself. Have fun on your trip.
Please stop the car dealer spam. Thank you in advance.
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