Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Maui Skywatch

Maui Skywatch

This Skywatch Friday is a little early but Thursday seems to be the best day to post. The skies over Maui were an ever changing tapestry of clouds and colors. Since we spent a lot of time upcountry there were a lot of drop dead gorgeous views of the island and the sea. This first photo is an abstract of some windy Palm Trees.

We have now visited Maui three times and each time I still walk away feeling like there was something new and enchanting each time. It is not unusual for me to have a mystical experience when visiting the island. This time it was this moment.

That is the sun poking through the Iwo Valley. We were walking across a parking lot it really felt like the eye from the Lord Rings was looking out over the valley. Except this was a very benevolent light. Where it got a little weird was looking down everything seemed bathed not in the golden rays of sunset but a very white light. It was about as bright it gets without being harsh. Things seemed to slow down and get quiet when I snapped the picture and after that everything started up again. Later I realized that I become transfixed for several seconds. Unfortunately I didn’t even check the settings and ended up with a picture that doesn’t quite measure up to when the scene played out before us.

This table had a mighty view and it was free, too. This is at the upcountry AKL Lavender Farm . If you want to go on a tour it costs something but we just walked around the garden on our own. It was a very impressive garden and it beat the lavender fields by a mile, in my opinion. That is the island of Lanai in the background.

Visit Sky Watch Friday for more skies around the world.
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Les said...

I know what you mean by being transfixed by the light. It usually happens either at sunrise or sunset, and no camera can ever seem to capture the moment exactly.

Mike's Travels said...

Look at that sun shot! beautiful :)

Erwin said...

Wonderful picture of those palm trees !!
Amazing sky !!
Happy Skywatch Friday to you !! said...

3 different different situation...and 3 different views.I feel the sky simply magic...your shots are very nice
Have a nice day

Light and Voices said...

That sky in Maui sure corners the market on lighting for sure. Nice Skywatch Friday post.
Joyce M

raj said...

very good picture is this
--thanks for shearing with us--

Mitsubishi Middle East said...
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