Red Raspberry
Rubus idaeus
(ROO-bus) (eye-DAY-ee-us)
When I saw this foliage last week it bought Ruby Tuesday to mind. This plant is a pest in the garden but doesn’t bother me when growing out in the wild. The wild berries taste good and the plants offer nice fall foliage color. They can also provide some winter interest with the handsome outlines of the branches. The leaves have medicinal properties.
This is another snapshot from my visit to Manhattan the other night.

See more Ruby Tuesday at Work of the Poet.
Beautiful red leaves!
Mine’s here: Carletta’s Captures.
beautiful fall color...
Fall is here and it is beautiful!!
Happy RT, mine is here!
Good composition! I love the red and green together. Happy RT! :)
The leaves are the same color as the berries, how perfect is that.
Love the autumn foliage.
My R T is now posted. I do hope you can stop by sometime to visit with me....it's a little bony this week for me, but there IS ruby. LOL
Here's the permalink: Ruby Tuesday [you'll need to scroll down just a bit beyond my Tuesday's Heads or Tails]
I really like your photography! You've got a great eye! Happy Ruby to you...
Great reds, I love the leaves, it lends to the feel of our eminent fall season!
Great job on the foliage and yes, perfect for Ruby Tuesday! Love the black & white shot of my home town NYC! :)
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