I had hoped to make this a long post but instead I have been filling print orders all morning. After not selling a picture for about a month and half yesterday I sold 10! Since all the profits go into new equipment maybe I will get the Sigma 28mm/1.8 Macro lens I have been eying.
Everything in the gardens that I tend to has been doing really well. It has been one of the best seasons I can remember. The roses have been blooming and there hasn’t been too much disease. I have picked out two from the big rose garden that didn’t even bloom last year, so this was my first look at them. The top one is 'Voodoo' a nice large orange/pink flowers and a strong scent. Here are a few facts about it:
Synonyms: AROmiclea
Breeder: Jack E. Christensen, US, 1984
Parentage: Seed: [Camelot × First Prize] × Typhoon Tea
Pollen: Lolita (hybrid tea, Kordes 1972)

This second rose is 'Spice Twice'. It is also a Hybrid Tea and the both the color and fragrance is wonderful.
Synonyms: JACable
Petal Count: 17-25 petals
Breeder: Dr. Keith W. Zary, US, 1997
Parentage: Spirit of Glasnost × Kardinal 85 (Kordes 1985)
These next three pictures are of a big wildflower planting I did in Bedford, NY. This is where using a prime (non-zoom) 60mm lens isn’t great. You just can’t capture wide scenes with it. This planting has taken 2 years to develop and it blooming waves. I have been adding fresh seed and also spreading the seed from the spent flowers.

For those who like Siberian Iris here is a dwarf cultivar called ‘Little White’. It only get about 10 inches tall and is more slowly spreading than the full size types.

Finally here is a picture of a plant that I have always wanted to grow and 2008 is the year I am doing it.

Giant Dutchman's Pipe
Aristolochia gigantea
Aka: Pelican Flower
This is a tropical species of the Dutchman’s Pipe vine. This is growing in a big container so I can move it inside the Conservatory in the winter. I had to remove the flower from the vine and took this photo with it placed on the Ruby Red Grapefruit tree. I was carrying it around at work as a pet flower. The crew got a kick out of that. It actually lasted quite long. I am sure there will be more photos of this one throughout the season.
What beautiful roses you grow and photograph! I can totally see why 10 photographs would sell quickly, and I can relate to the desire to invest it in photographic equipment. I have an ancient but beloved Nikon FE2 and a point and shoot Canon Elph for my blog. This summer I'm planning on buying a digital SLR and am tempted by the new full frame digital Nikon and by the Canon Rebel. I'll use it for landscape photography and archiving my watercolor portfolio. What would you recommend?
I'm so happy to connect with you through GBBD and will look forward to seeing more of your garden and your photography. I hope you do get that macro lens.
I can never get enough of seeing roses, although I'm not great at growing them. Your photographs are fantastic; it's obvious that good equipment (and skill, of course!) makes such a difference. I just have a point and shoot Sony Cybershot.
The wildflower garden is so appealing; glad you gave us a full view of it.
Thanks for dropping by!
Gorgeous as always. The first rose has a stunning color. I love dianthus/sweet william. I tried to plant seed of the tall ones you showed but I never got anything at all. Wonderful Iris for some reason I'm really digging white flowers lately. Irises are on my list for must haves next year. Interesting flower that dutchman's pipe. Congrats on some sales of your photos. I would love to buy some of your prints but as always I seem to be in a money rut again. If I could sell one of my photos I would be happy, but I don't try. Now go get that new piece of equipment.
Pulchritude all the way - I grow a calico vine similar to dutchman's but on vine flowers about 8 inches by 4 inches lovely and prolific..sk
Oh I love the Dutchman's Pipe. That is a fabulous flower.
I can empathize with your lens desires. My husband loves his camera equipment. He has a Nikon D200 with some fun image stabilizing lenses. He is always looking at the most recent technology. I however am too lazy and use my Canon Elph. Someday I have to learn to use the good camera, but right now it is so easy to put the little one in my pocket when I go out to the garden.
Thanks for the comments and encouragement, everyone.
I really liked your site. You will always find me recommending Nikon cameras. You will probably have to do some research to make sure but the lens on your FE2 should work on the D3 (or the any other of the 'D' cameras).
Thanks for the advice! I look forward to seeing more of your photos.
What beautiful photographs. I especially like the wildflower planting area. It looks so peaceful there.
As always, your pictures are just outstanding. Congrats on selling more pictures and thanks for joining in for bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
All the shots are great, but I like the wildflowers best.
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