Golden Mountain Cornflower
Centaurea montana ‘Gold Bullion'
(sen-TAR-ee-uh) (MON-tah-nuh)
There was recently a post on ‘Amethyst in Snow’, which is another cultivar of Centaurea montana and I thought that one was eye catching. This flower was pretty amazing to me. It is not for everyone, I am sure, but having a small patch of these would be fantastic.
The Mountain Cornflower doesn’t require a lot of care to grow. The one thing they don’t seem to like is wet feet in the winter. Other than that they seem to happily grow just about anywhere. With ‘Gold Bullion' and a lot of other gold foliaged plants you are going to want full sun for the best leaf color.
The name Centaurea comes from Greek mythology. Chiron the centaur was said to have used the flower to heal the wounds from one of Hercules’ poisoned arrows.
Cornflowers! I love them. I knew a lady many years ago who had a beautiful set of china with the cornflower pattern.
How beautiful! I love taking pictures of flowers, but I rarely see unique ones in my area. Do you take all of the pictures?
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What a beauty, Chris. I love Centaurea montana (a joy to photograph) but have not seen ‘Gold Bullion', a MUST for my garden since I'm always looking for contrasting color.
Stunning photo. Where is this beauty native to? Have you got any of tropical flowers?
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