Pelargonium peltatum
(pe-lar-GO-nee-um) (pel-TAY-tum)
For Ruby Tuesday I have an Ivy-leaf Geranium that is really red this time. These plants are great for containers and seem to be getting better with more introductions. There are some really beautiful shades available. This one only came with a generic tag so the variety is a mystery. I generally try and find cooler conditions for my Ivy-leafs because they can stall, bloom wise, a bit in the heat of the summer. They are really worth having in the garden and seem to flower most of the winter inside the Conservatory, which is an added bonus. This was shot with the 60mm Nikkor-Micro lens last week.
I have been to a wedding in Caribou, Maine and it was nice. The wedding seemed like it was the only dry time during the whole weekend. It is probably the longest time I have been away from my computer in quite a while. It was fun to see all my wife's family, they all always treat me like part of the family. When I did manage time for a few pictures and it wasn't raining I was trying out the new Sigma 24mm/1.8 Macro lens. It was on the camera exclusively. It is an impressive and effective lens to me but will certainly take getting used to. The focal length seems a little better than the 50mm/1.8 and so does the focusing distance. I’ll post a few pictures over the next two days. Digital Flower Pictures had its two-year anniversary the other day. What an adventure!
I took this shot of a red VW bug with the new lens. The nice thing is a cropped it by almost half to hide the license plate (didn’t know the owner) and it still a pretty wide photo. Color doesn't seem like it going to be a problem with this lens.

no it doesn't that is a gorgeous red
Great reds, good Ruby Tuesday to ya.
These are some great ruby shots. I love that geranium. I used to have a Red Volkswagon in the 70's!
Every summer for years I raised geraniums. I don't think I've ever noticed this kind.
They are beautiful.
I noticed Ellen's comment - my hubby had a red VW too. A friend painted me a T-shirt with a VW on it that I still have.
This shot is great!
Oh my gosh, that's a wonderful flower!
It's my first time to join Ruby Tuesday! My entry is posted HERE.
Hope you could drop by. Thanks!
Fantastic red shots. Especially love the character of the 1st pic. I have never seen a geranium quite in that tone. I have seen a purple ivy geranium but not red. Lovely!
Two very different but equally wonderful red shots.
What a beautiful color combo on your geranium! I posted a pic of my car as well :o) Have a great Tuesday!
I LOVE the VW shot, which is really saying something since the flower is beautiful.
Happy shooting with your cool new lens
yo've posted 2 I dearly love and the bug too !!!
Beautiful geranium, Digital Flower! Awesome red VW bug! Really love your post! :)
Both are lovely reds.
Home and Garden
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Ruby Tuesday, I'm not a photographer, but I have your geranium growing in my garden. It is called "Stars and Stripes".
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