Dwarf Bottlebrush
Callistemon viminalis 'Little John'
(kal-lis-STEE-mon) (vim-in-AY-liss)
A nice twist on a plant that is always fun for me to see (love the flower color). The dwarf version of Bottlebrush was spotted growing in Palos Verdes, California. It only grows to 4 feet tall instead of the 12-15 feet tall of the regular Bottlebrush. The foliage is a nice blue-grey and may cause an allergic reaction in some people.
This plant attracts a lot of hummingbirds to the garden and there were a couple of them flitting around the patch I was observing. Although this plant is rated for a low temperature of 20 degrees (F) there are a lot of reports of it being hardier.
Such a utilitarian name for something so winsome and beautiful!
Thanks Sandy. It is a cool variation on an old favorite of mine.
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