Moss Rose
Rosa 'Gloire des Mousseux'
Synonyms: Gloire des Mousseuses, Madame Alboni
I had no idea that this rose had been bred in 1852 by the famous rose breeder Jean Laffy. There was a little bit of a distinctive air to it. There was a strong fragrance and that always makes taking the picture a little easier. A nice rose with a strong history.

Climbing Rose
Rosa ‘Climbing Gold Badge’
Synonyms: MEIgro-Nurisar, MEIgronurisar
Introduced: 1991 by Meilland Roses

This rose was amazing. The color was such a nice yellow. This variety is considered one of the heaviest blooming yellow climbing rose. The lack of fragrance was made up for with a statuesque appearance.
Since it is Sunday and that means Todays Flowers here is a bonus flower. Today’s Flowers for flower pictures from around the world.

Purple Wandering Jew
Tradescantia pallida
(trad-es-KAN-tee-uh) (PAL-lid-duh)
Synonyms: Purple Heart, Purple Queen
A nice groundcover for the tropical garden. This one was threading itself along the ground and the light purple flowers looked good against the dark purple foliage.
The roses are so pretty and they look quite huge!
these are beautiful. my grandma had climbing rose in pink. i remember waking up to rose scents when i was very young.
Today's Flowers @ Live in the Moment
so that's the name of that tiny purple flower.. very pretty...
Today’s Flower - Roses
I love the yellow climbing rose fragrance or not, it so beautiful!
That is a nice shade of yellow. I like it. Not sure whether I will be putting any roses in (at least no more since my deer eating Knock-out episode).
A wonderful photographic series: Thanks for sharing!
Love the roses. I can't wait until mine start blooming. Great photos!
The yellow climbing roses are just lovely! Your photos are wonderful.
We see pink climbing roses in cooler places but nothing like these yellow roses! Truly beautiful!
I love moss roses and have several in my garden. Your photo of that tiny wandering jew flower is precious.
Such a pretty post - love that moss rose! That little wandering jew flower is very sweet! xoox
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