Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Caladium Leaf

Caladium Leaf
Wordless Wednesday

Scroll down for Ruby Tuesday


Rhonda Gales said...

The contrast in colors is beautiful.

Ryanne said...

Those leaves are so pretty. If you are that beautiful, I don't suppose you need to flower....by the way, do they flower too? Thank you for coming by my blog and reading about my Mooky. I appreciate it. I hope you have a great week. I always look forward to your elegant photos!

jams o donnell said...

Another stunning photo! Happy WW

SandyCarlson said...

This is very lovely. Thanks.

Ingrid said...

Leaves with veins, that looks strange !

Unknown said...

*yikes* that's the most gorgeous leaf ever. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

That is so pretty! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

CK Ng said...

Nice pattern.

Mimi Lenox said...

I see these all the time but have no luck growing them. Beautiful.

My Ruby Tuesday is here.

Anonymous said...

I think i saw like that before in our garden...Happy WW!

Mojo said...

I really love these plants, but they don't like me at all. I can't keep one alive. So thanks for this shot -- that I can't kill!

- Mojo
Stop by if you have the time..

Anonymous said...

Oh what a beautiful picture, the colors are so sharp!

Hootin Anni said...

So rich in color...and such vivid clarity!!!

My Wordless is posted. Stop by if you can.

i beati said...

Our Caladium festival is in 3 weeks sk

Lori said...

Great shot:) Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

I love caladiums, and I love your caladium photos. This is a particularly pretty variety. Happy WW.