Brillantaisia ulugurica
This plant was growing at the New York Botanical Garden in the Ladies Border. I had seen it the last time I was there but didn’t get a good picture. Looking it up there isn’t much information on it other than it is tropical native of Africa. This is the web page that had the most information about it:
Flora of Zimbabwe

If anybody knows anything else about Giant Salvia or has grown it before please feel free to chime in.
I can’t believe its Monday already. There is a lot of work to be done this week. Yesterday in the Bronx I spent most of my time photographing the Daylily Collection, which was still going pretty strong. I managed a few photos of other plants also. It was a beautiful summer day and the garden only got a little crowed towards the afternoon. Too bad I didn’t even have time to make it out to the Rose Garden.
I love this site, the beauty of you images takes your breath away. Thanks for your comment on my blog ages ago in my travels, it is muchly appreciated.
dahlia opening superb sandy
The loveable plant salvia has an excellent contest click on to http://www.freshsalvia.com/contest.html
and here: http://www.freshsalvia.com/blog/?cat=3
Enjoy the magical fun inside it
I love the periwinkle blue shade of your salvia. It's a beautiful plant indeed.
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