Hemerocallis 'Buttered Popcorn'
Here is another Daylily flower portrait. ‘Buttered Popcorn’ was posted on this blog a little while ago. I saw it growing again at the nursery and got this shot. Despite the thunder and lighting I was able to grab this picture. I was there buying some BioPlex Transplanting Aid as we have some large shrubs to transplant next week. This is the only thing that seems to help with summer digging. 'Buttered Popcorn' is a lot like the 'Mary Todd' Daylily I posted recently but the flowers are smaller and more brilliant yellow.

In way I guess this is a repost because ‘Little Suzy’ (Rudbeckia speciosa 'Viette's Little Suzy') was posted last Friday. I snuck back into the commerical building and got a few more photos of this huge planting. Glad that I did, as it is even more in flower. It is quite a little flower patch. You should have seen the large patches of Daylilies they had there. Today I am going to the New York Botanical Garden and I might stop by and try and snag a couple of pictures of the 1000’s of Daylilies they have planted there. The wide angle lens has been helping getting shots like these. I still have to figure it out a little bit but I am trying.

Gorgeous, Chris. I've never seen them this color.
Love those black-eyed Susans, too. I came across a field of them in Waterbury, of all places, last week. They brought such beauty to a run down old school.
The Black Eyed Susans make colonies in some interesting places. Sometimes they seem to thrive on neglect.
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