White Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea
(ek-in-AY-shee-a) (pur-PUR-ee-uh)
Synonym: Echinacea purpurea alba, Brauneria purpurea, Rudbeckia purpurea
I have wanted to take a real close up of a Coneflower for quite awhile. It hasn’t really worked out so I thought I post this one and move on. White Coneflower is very beautiful and there are now more cultivars to choose from. This year the Coneflower has been superb (both the Purple and White) and I have been doing literally hundreds of shots of them. Maybe we can have a day where I post a number of the ones that came out well. Coneflowers are nice to hang around if you like insect shots, a variety of bugs visit them.
It is going to be a busy day around here as there is a lot of work around the house to do and I have to drop some flowers off in New Rochelle for planting tomorrow. It is a new garden and we are going to be taking care of it.
Here is the whole (well, almost) White coneflower that I did the close up on.

The first shot is sort of pulling me in. Beautiful!
cone flowers are so sturdy . I have some as tall as my aunt in pgotograph 5 9
As usual - great photos all the way down the page.
I haven't managed hundreds of coneflower photos but I do have my fair share. I'm looking forward to the day you post your good ones.
Hi indrani and sandy, thanks for the compliment.
wiseacre I will try and post some of them this week. The cone flowers have been having such a fabulous year it is hard not to photograph their flowers.
These are wonderful shots, and I'd love to see more. I do the same thing, byt the way. When certain flowers in my garden are having a good season, I can't help myself -- I just keep photographing them again and again. (But I have no idea what I'll ever do with a gazillion photos of the same species...)
Indeed these are lovely photos, Chris.
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